Riser-Wrap® Water Infiltration Sealing System

A two-layer protective pipe wrap consisting of an adhesive liquid covered by a heat shrink sleeve
The Riser-Wrap® seal is a two-layer system designed for corrosion and sealing protection on pipelines and encapsulating manholes to seal joints against ground water infiltration.
The first layer is a visco-elastic adhesive liquid sealant covered by a heat shrink sleeve. The sleeve is a thick-walled (2.5mm), cross-linked, high density polyethylene membrane.
Note: This product is moving to Garlock.com.
In the coming months this product will be supported by our sister company, Garlock. Additional details and links coming soon.
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- Preheat required only to remove the moisture from the surface and for fast/easy installation.
- Permanent heat indicator ensures that the correct application of heat has been applied to the entire heat shrink sleeve.
- Installation is fully inspectable at any time after the installation.
- Accommodates ground movement.
- Toughness to resist soil stress.
- Optimizes flow and fill of visco-elastic adhesive sealant.
- Seals against ground water infiltration. Impermeable.
- Extends structure life. No special tools.
- Quick & easy installation.
- Available in 17”, 11” and 5.5” widths x 50 ft rolls; online sizing program available.
- Softening Point (ASTM E-28) 400° F 205°C
- Lap Shear (ASTM D-1002) 18 psi 12 N/cm2
- Tensile Strength (ASTM D-638) 3,300psi 22mPa
- Elongation (ASTM D-638) 650%
- Hardness, Shore D (ASTM D-224) 58 Shore D
- Shrink Force (ASTM D-638) 38 psi 26N/cm2
- Dielectric Strength (ASTM D-149) 500KV/in 20KV/mm
- Peel Strength (ASTM D) 1000 11lb/in. 20/N/cm
- Water Absorption (ASTM D-570) 0.05%
- Low Temp. Flexibility (ASTM D-2671) -40°F -40°C
- Penetration Resistance (ASTM G-17) PASS
- Manhole Encapsulation/Sealing
- Pipelines
- Repair and Rehabilitation
- Step-Down Joints
- Square/Rectangular Vaults
- Septic Tanks/Vaults